Robot vacuum cleaners have revolutionized home cleaning, but what about those stubborn messes that require a mop? Enter the Roomba Combo j7+, iRobot’s latest innovation in the world of automated cleaning. This cutting-edge device combines the power of a vacuum and mop in one intelligent package, offering a seamless cleaning experience like never before.

Roomba Combo j7+ robot vacuum and mop cleaning a living room
Experience the power of the Roomba Combo j7+ as it effortlessly vacuums and mops your floors.

Key Features:

Revolutionary 2-in-1 Cleaning Power

The Roomba Combo j7+ is not your average robot vacuum-mop combo. With its innovative features and advanced technology, it sets a new standard for automated cleaning. Thanks to its smart design, the Combo j7+ can seamlessly transition between vacuuming and mopping without any intervention from you. Whether it’s carpets or hard floors, this intelligent robot knows exactly what to do to leave your home spotless.

Smart Technology for Dry Carpets

One of the standout features of the Roomba Combo j7+ is its ability to keep carpets dry while effectively cleaning hard floors. Using Dry Rug Intelligence (D.R.I.), the Combo j7+ lifts its mop pad safely away from carpets, ensuring that they remain free from moisture and mess. Say goodbye to wet carpet mishaps and hello to hassle-free cleaning.

Advanced Cleaning Capabilities

Roomba Combo j7+ cleaning debris with dual multi-surface rubber brushes
The Roomba Combo j7+ uses an advanced 4-stage cleaning system to tackle dirt, dust, and debris.

Equipped with a 4-stage cleaning system, the Roomba Combo j7+ tackles dirt, dust, and debris with ease. From pet hair to spilled crumbs, this powerhouse cleaner leaves no mess behind. Plus, with its smart scrubbing technology, it can provide a deeper clean for those stubborn stains and high-traffic areas.

Intelligent Navigation and Avoidance

Navigating through your home is no challenge for the Roomba Combo j7+. Powered by iRobot’s intelligent operating system, this robot cleaner can recognize and avoid obstacles with ease. Whether it’s pet waste or household clutter, the Combo j7+ knows exactly what to avoid, ensuring a smooth and efficient cleaning process.

Hands-Free Operation

With its automatic dirt disposal system, the Roomba Combo j7+ takes convenience to the next level. Simply set it and forget it – the Combo j7+ will empty its bin on its own for up to 60 days, keeping your hands clean and your home tidy. Plus, with its advanced mapping technology, you can customize cleaning preferences and schedule cleanings with ease.


Roomba Combo j7+ automatically emptying its bin into the Clean Base
Enjoy hands-free cleaning with the Roomba Combo j7+ as it automatically empties its bin for up to 60 days.

The Roomba Combo j7+ is more than just a robot vacuum-mop combo – it’s a game-changer in the world of home cleaning. With its innovative features, intelligent technology, and powerful performance, it offers a level of convenience and efficiency that is unmatched by traditional cleaning methods. Say goodbye to wet carpets and hello to a cleaner, healthier home with the Roomba Combo j7+.

Where to buy: buy at Amazon

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